Start with the great taste of grilled salmon then finish under the broiler to form a crust of homemade pesto. This recipe is easy to make, but tastes and...
Shrimp, scallops and crabmeat sauteed in a white wine and lemon sauce and tossed with hot cooked pasta shells. Every time I cook for a large group, this...
I like to make this for company since you can get it ready ahead of time up until the final baking step. It looks both pretty and impressive, and the orange...
Ok, I hate to give up this recipe because everyone loves it so much, and I do own and use it for my business and my clients love it. It is a broiled salmon,...
Broiled salmon is incredibly moist and tender and perfect for a weeknight meal. The cooking time will depend on the thickness of the salmon; I suggest...
Entertaining guests and want to show off your talents as a chef? This is the PERFECT dish!! It's light and BURSTING with flavor. It looks like it took...
I've received a bunch of requests to make this, and after tasting it, I understand why. If you're a garlic lover, you're going to want to pull out your...
This is an unbelievably delicious and quick salmon recipe. You can play around with the ingredients: add fresh basil leaves instead of the chili or balsamic...
A fabulous sweet and salty glaze is basted on salmon as it grills on cedar planks. The quick and easy glaze can be used on chicken and pork as well. Good...
You are really going to love this exciting and vibrant new way to use salmon. It's dressed up with an easy and summery relish. Did I mention there will...
This recipe for salmon is so simple and delicious, it's crazy! This is great for any weeknight dinner, yet will impress your guests, as well. Serve with...
A delicious, healthy lemon-garlic marinade for salmon with cilantro and red chili flakes. Marinate at least 6 hours. Broil in the oven or grill 7 to 8...
This savory dinner is restaurant-worthy, but can be prepped and cooked in under 30 minutes! If you are not a fan of fish, you can substitute thinly sliced...
I made this up once when I was short on groceries. Surprisingly, it was super easy! The amounts for the spices are just my recommendation, but really it's...
This salmon is so easy, you won't believe how delicious it is. I serve it with rice prepared with chicken broth and a little onion instead of plain water...
We love shrimp scampi, but have decided to cut back where we can on heavy carbs. This is the perfect solution! I will be swapping out pasta for veggie...
Sweet king crab legs are enhanced with simple and fresh flavors to create a gourmet meal in a flash. Great served with a baked potato and some grilled...
When you're done this halibut dish melts in your mouth! The credit goes to my future mother-in-law! If you can find creme fraiche you may substitute it...
When it comes to crab you have 3 options: you can go to the expensive seafood place for overpriced, soggy, and bland crab; you can ruin it yourself at...
This simple recipe calls for pasta mixed with Alfredo sauce and baked salmon. Family members top their own pasta serving with as much Parmesan cheese as...
This is a grilled salmon recipe that is used at the Saint Matthew Parish picnic every year in Seattle, Washington. It works well with any cut of salmon...